We help you get your dwelling space, papers, and photos organized, so you can get back to doing what you want to be doing.
Scroll down for workshops, paper organizing retreats, and one to one coaching packages.
We believe peace starts with a plan!™
Do you have paper piles, digital chaos, photos on tons of different devices? We work with you virtually 1:1 and in group coaching and co-working settings to help-you get your papers and digital files settled, sorted, and peacefully retrievable. We start with identifying your organizing style and challenges. Next we work to set goals, declutter sensibly, and put things into systems that work for your organizing strengths. We teach and empower you along the way.
Do you have great tools in place to get your home and personal goals organized? If you have products that work for you, we don't want to change that! We utilize a number of great products from many organizations. We have affiliate partnerships with several companies and can provide great resources. One of our favorite product suites for your reference and actionable paper is the Organize 365® Sunday Basket®, and Paper Solutions Systems. Click the chat button to speak with us .
Our goal is to begin bringing peace to our papers, digital files, and spaces. Ongoing maintenance time to edit and sort your papers. We will gather virtually approximately 10-15 times during the month for 90 minutes each session. On our Thursday sessions, we hold a Welcome the Weekend workshop.
The community is what makes this group special. Encouragement, inspiration, and motivation to finish.
Bonuses include: Binder Workshop, Paper MiniSort, Digital Hygiene Session, PaperRetreat
Our goal is to begin bringing peace to our papers, digital files, and spaces. Ongoing maintenance time to edit and sort your papers. We will gather virtually approximately 10-15 times during the month for 90 minutes each session. On our Thursday sessions, we hold a Welcome the Weekend workshop.
The community is what makes this group special. Encouragement, inspiration, and motivation to finish.
Bonuses include: Binder Workshop, Paper MiniSort, Digital Hygiene Session, PaperRetreat
This workshop will give you the guidance to set up a binder of your choice: medical, financial, household, Educational IEP binder. This Peacefully Productive Virtual Workshop to help you begin the journey to file all your reference paper. With the Organize 365 Binder collection, you can ditch your filing cabinet and access your archived papers quickly and efficiently. You may use your own system.
We will have open work time, and professional, HIPAA certified guidance on your document retention.
Ready to refresh or refine your digital organization? We will use this 3 hour retreat to begin creating lasting digital hygiene habits. Let's clear out our inboxes, hard drives, and create a leaner digital footprint that we can manage.
We look forward to helping you find peace in all your digital spaces!
Peace starts with a plan.™
Click the picture above to register.
Sunday Basket® Workshops are virtual events where you start your Sunday Basket® with guidance from a certified Sunday Basket® Workshop Organizer. We'll help you learn to productively handle your daily mail flow, weekly to-do's, and help you begin bringing peace to your space.
This is a 2 session, 2 day, 4hour group, co-working session led by Sheri that helps you align your 90 day Home and Personal goals, projects, and routines. Reset your Sunday Basket® for the next 90 days.
We are Paper Solutions® certified and trained with Organize 365®-
We help you get it done!
If you need a Sunday Basket®, contact us and we will guide and encourage you take the next steps.
Peaceful Paper hosts Virtual Sunday Basket® Workshops for 90 minutes on Thursday mornings. Give yourself a set work time in your new system to bring peace and order. We will work through the daily inflow of papers. This is a hands on workshop done virtually from your home with a small group. Finish with peace and a plan. Come back as needed for continued support.
Unable to attend the in-person workshops? Or would you rather work privately? Have you set up your Sunday Basket® system, but need some assistance in getting it to run more smoothly? This is a private, one on one virtual session, where we work together to take a deep dive into your weekly system from the comfort and privacy of your own space. We will work through the inflow of papers, scheduling and prioritizing tasks, and setting it up for implementation. Complete Sunday Basket® not included.
Voice & Text 480-442-5582 Email: hello@peaceful-paper.com - Prices Subject to Change
We are a NAPO 2024 Approved Business -
Set up or maintain your systems with us.
We are certified Organize 365® Paper Solution® trained…
when it comes to organization - we help you get it done!
Organize your valuable records for your Finances:
Taxes, Retirement, Budgets, Estate, and more. Get everything in one place!
If you need a FINANCIAL Binder or supplies -
please contact us, we can help!
Registration Closes August 5th
Peace starts with a plan.™
Upcoming Reference Paper Workshops:
W Sept 4th, 7am Pacific - Medical & Health Records, Papers & Files
Register by clicking on the picture to the above right =>>
We will work alongside you and partner with you to meet your paper organization goals.
Private virtual 1:1 coaching to meet your unique and special paper organization needs. One on one directed time with your organizer to work on projects of your choice.
Four 1:1 45 minutes sessions, paid up front and used within 31 days of purchase.
BONUS: E & A Early Birds Encouragement & Accountability Group included for 31 days from initial package.
We will work alongside you and partner with you to meet your paper organization goals.
Private virtual 1:1 coaching to meet your unique and special paper organization needs. One on one directed time with your organizer to work on projects of your choice.
Eight 1:1 45 minutes sessions, paid up front and used within 61 days of purchase.
BONUS: E & A Early Birds Encouragement & Accountability Group included for 60 days from initial package.
Voice & Text 480-442-5582 Email: hello@peaceful-paper.com - Prices Subject to Change
We walk alongside you and partner with you, in community, to work through the backlog of paper.
Click the picture above to get all the details.
This is a virtual 3 hour retreat to help you with your backlog of paper. Are you stuck with piles and boxes of paper? Paper can be daunting to tackle. Don't do it alone! This affordable 3 hour group, co-working v-retreat will be full of tips and strategies, hands on work time, all in the company of a great, inspiring community.
Let's get the paper cleared out of the files and boxes and make it organized and accessible!
Voice & Text 480-442-5582 Email: hello@peaceful-paper.com - Prices Subject to Change
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Welcome! We are growing! Be the first to know....
We are moving to a new website with more services to help you get organized and live your best life.
We can't wait to share it with you!
We won't sell your info. We value your email address, so we won't be spammy! Pinky swear!
In the meantime, you can continue to request a discovery call and schedule services right here! Thank you for being here!